- Allergy / Asthma / Arthritis symptoms reduced
- Brain Function improvement! Less Brain Fog & Brain Fatigue
- Cysts / Tumors on my back = reduced in size!
- Diabetes symptoms reduced & lower blood sugar readings!
- Ears = feel less pain, noise, fullness, cracking and ringing!
- Fatigue is reduced!
- Gastric stomach problems / GERD reduced
- Healing improves of wounds, cuts & contusions (takes less time to heal)
- Immune system improved
- Joints move easier, are less swollen and painful!
- Knees / Ankles / Feet / Knuckles / Fingers / are less painful & swollen
- Lymphatic flow improves. Legs! Mat increases blood flow to my legs
- Muscles relax. Feelings of “Pins & Needles” are reduced
- Neck and Back pain is reduced!
- One and only Liver and my one and only Heart = I feel less pain!
- Pain level is lower / so less pain medicine for a poor Liver to digest
- Quiet times spent on the mat can provide prayer time with Jesus
- Regenerating & Rejuvenating cells
- Sleeping sound now! WOW! I have lived for 25 years without sound sleep!
- Toes / Feet and a Pinched Nerve can feel the mat working
- Urinary continence and the urge to urinate is less often
- Vertigo and Dizziness for 25 years has been vastly reduced
- Wheeze less often. Easier to just breathe!
- X-rays showed I have DISH (a form of arthritis)
- You need to use the mat every day to realize & appreciate the health benefits!
- Zeal / Zest to live! Sharon’s message to survivors: Never, ever give up hope!
If you want to experience your own health benefits and help brain injury survivors, go to this url, https://tinyurl.com/BrainInjuryForce, set up an account and make a purchase. MNBIF will receive a donation.